
Meghan McGuire is a multi-genre writer and former Geography Bee champion from Brunswick, Maine, the home of little-known Civil War hero Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. 

Her television pilots have been recognized by Stowe Story Labs, Slamdance Screenwriting Competition, WeScreenplay Diverse Voices Screenwriting Lab, PAGE International Screenwriting Awards, and Austin Film Festival Script Competition. Her plays and monologues have been performed on stages across the United States. Her essays have been featured on Lunch Ticket’s blog and in Porter House Review.

She holds an MFA in Creative Writing at Antioch University Los Angeles with a concentration in creative nonfiction.

Born in Alaska, raised in Maine, and schooled in Ohio, Meghan followed her passion for cold places to Chicago where she lives with her cat, Pippin, and her various neuroses. She is currently working on a memoir.

Very Nice, Very Accurate Praise for Meghan

“Irrational and Angry”

— A Man on the Internet

“Funny, but not funny at the same time.”

— Her Mother

“A very interesting person to meet.”

— Her speech pathologist